Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rainy Day Fun

We are studying sound in our classroom. What can you use from around your house to make a musical instrument? Can you make an instrument that makes more than one sound? How do you make the sound (do you tap on it, pluck it, shake it)? Tell us about your instrument in the comment section. Bring it to school to share it with the class. We will take your picture and post it here. :0)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I write this hoping that my students from last year still visit occasionally. I just wanted to take a moment to thank the families from last year for their assistance with my quest to become a National Board Certified teacher. By allowing your students to be video taped, you helped me produce a product that the assessors found to be worthy of certification. I found out last Friday that I have achieved my goal and am now a National Board Certified Teacher! I could not have done it without you and your children. THANK YOU!!! :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here is a link to a site where you can see a timeline of the Pilgrims' voyage as well as take a tour of the ship. What do you think it would be like to travel aboard the Mayflower?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Write a Math Story

Can you write a story to go along with the following number sentence? 8 + 7 = 15

Here is mine....

8 feathery birds sat on an old wooden fence. 7 more gently landed beside them. Now there are 15 chirping birds on the splintery fence.

Post your own to the blog. Click on comments, write your story, sign it, and post as anonymous. Remember, even though you are writing for math, you must use good writing skills: capitals, punctuation, spelling, adjectives, and grammar. I can't wait to see what you write!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Build Your Own Caterpillar

Put your knowledge of caterpillars and their adaptations to the test. Design your own caterpillar by choosing the best color, spikes, and "extras" that will help it survive the environment described. Let us know how you do with the task.

Congruent Shapes

This week we have begun exploring congruent shapes. Do you know what makes shapes congruent? If you said that shapes that are the same size and same shape, you are correct! I found a site that lets you explore congruent shapes. Pay special attention to the communication aspects in the instructions. Being aware of your thinking helps you remember the concept. After exploring, leave a comment explaining how you knew the shapes were congruent. Can you find any other activities that help you practice with congruent shapes? If so, let us know. :D

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Welcome Class of '08-'09

Welcome to the class blog! I will use this site throughout the year to give you information about our class. If you peruse the previous entries, you will see that I provide links to sites that relate to our areas of study as well as feature special events. I also use this to showcase student work. Students and parents have the opportunity to comment on the posts as well. If you do not want to join, you can sign your message within the comment box and publish your comment as "anonymous". I ask you to be respectful of each other's feelings; please only publish positive comments.

The first site I would like to feature is CoolMath4Kids. This is a great site that offers a wide variety of activities and games. If your child is savvy with addition and subtraction facts to 18, there are areas where they can begin to work on multiplication. Subtraction Blast is a fun game that actually prepares students for multiplying. Another great area on this site is the addition area. It accommodates students still needing practice with simple facts, progressing to more advanced addition concepts. There are games to reinforce these skills. There is also a subtraction area that is set up similarly. I hope you have fun visiting this site. Please leave a comment to letting us know what you like.

PS: Last year's second graders are still welcome! There is plenty for you to do, too. :0)