Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fast Facts Strategy

This post is mostly for parents....I was searching for a few games to post when I came across this strategy for practicing/memorizing addition and subtraction facts. It is a second grade objective to memorize the addition and subtraction facts to 18. Some of you use as well as other sites for practice. This seemed like a good method, too. By "ticks", I believe they mean tallies or some other type of mark that reminds you that they have repeated the fact fluently. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Congruent Shapes

We have learned that congruent shapes are the same size and the same shape. Check out this game I found that lets you match congruent shapes! It's called Ice Blocker. Let me know what you think! Can you find other games that let you practice shapes?