Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Language Arts Sites

We have been working on using periods, capitals, commas, exlamation points, question marks, and apostrophes correctly in our own writing. The students are really improving this skill. For fun practice with editing, we have been using the Power Proofreading site. With its game format, it is a fun way to practice. Have fun!

For children needing extra work with sight words, Professor Garfield is a wonderful place to begin. You can select stories rich with sight words, print them out, and let your child read away. There are Bingo cards, flash cards, etc. If you would like some of the stories, but do not have access to a printer, let me know. I can certainly provide you with what you need.

A fantastic way for "chapter book readers" to make their reading more meaningful and to get them to think about what they are reading is to have them make predictions every so often throughout the book. Scholastic Instructor gives detailed instructions for doing this. Encourage your child to follow these steps. Not only will it improve his/her reading skills, but it will also hone writing skills.


Anonymous said...

Brooke is starting to make predictions about what is going to happen next when she finishes a chapter. It's really fun to see her getting so excited about a book that she doesn't want to put it down. We have to make sure she is actually sleeping and not reading at night now.

Christy Oberbeck

Kristin said...

I'm glad you found this helpful! Sorry about the "sleep battle", but it definitely makes reading much more exciting, especially going back to see how the prediction differed from the events that the author actually selected.

Anonymous said...

Brooke hadn't seen the Harry Potter movies even though we have all of the ones that have been released. We celebrate finishing the books with watching the movie. We then discuss what parts of the movie were different from the book. She said reading the books is more fun because she gets to see things in her mind the way she likes:)

Brooke was making predictions about the 3rd book before she finished the 2nd one. I have really enjoyed talking about it with her. I love seeing her so excited about reading!
