Monday, January 24, 2011

Fast Facts

Since Fast Facts are part of your daily routine, I am searching for new ways to keep you entertained while learning. Sheppard Software states that they make learning fun and they definitely live up to their claim. They offer a variety of games that give you the option of choosing what type of fast facts you want to practice (addition/subtraction/multiplication/division). The only drawback I see is that they are not specifically focusing on the facts we are presently studying (the +0 and +1 facts). Still, there is no harm in exposing your child to the other facts they will encounter this year. One nifty feature on this site is that you can email your teacher your score! If you need my email address, write me a note at school. Since this is public, I am not comfortable posting my address here.

As you check out the site, you will find other topics besides addition facts. This quarter we will be exploring place value (tens and ones), time (hour and half hour), and measurement.

Check out the other subject areas at the top of the page for more exciting activities. If you have older students, there is even practice for the SAT! Have fun exploring!

If you come across any sites that you particularly like, please post them in the comments so that other families can check them out!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Kristin -- We played the fruit splat and found it worked best with Bella calling out the answer and Mommy (attempting) to splat the number. I still misfired but she is not nimble enough yet to do this alone. It was fun--Bella

bella lettieri said...

Ms. Kristin --
We did the fruit splat but found it worked better with Bella calling out the answer and Mommy (attempting) to splat the answer. I think it is too hard for her to do alone yet.
It was fun - Bella