Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ocean Life

Throughout the year we will be learning about different groups of animals and their needs.  We will examine how their environment provides them with their needs and how their bodies are made for the environment in which they live.

Our first focus is on sea life.  We have read several Magic School Bus books to learn about sea life as well as discuss the difference between fiction and non-fiction text.  We have also read many fiction selections about sea life while we learn about the setting and characters in stories.  We have ordered story events and discussed problem and solution, also.  During TSI, the students are working in groups to research specific sea animals. 

For fun, check out some non-fiction about sea life with Oceanlife for Kids.  Read the information about the various animals.  You may even want to take the quizzes to check your understanding.  When done, write (in the comment box) about something you learned while visiting the site.  Anyone from the CHES first grades who posts will receive a reward.  Remember to post your first name so you can get your prize.


Anonymous said...

I learned that sharks have good smell.
I learned that dolphins use their blowholes to breath.
Fish use their gills to breath.
The octopus squirts ink to hide.v

Anonymous said...

Adrianne Jackson
I learned sharks have a good sense of smell, that dolphins breathe with their blowhole, and starfsh when their arms fall off they grow.

Kristin said...

Glad you accepted the challenge! You will be rewarded at school! :)