Saturday, May 10, 2008

Science Festival 2008

The annual Cape Hatteras Elementary School Science Festival took place May 17th and 18th. The students excitedly engaged in a number of hands-on learning experiences based on the North Carolina Science Curriculum. Our newest students (More-at-Four) loved the squishy slime they made while 5th graders manipulated items like chop sticks to get a feel for animal adaptations. Several staff members served as speakers throughout the event demonstrating their versatility and interest in the field of science. Students learned about electricity from Anne Swain and Kerry Hooper from the Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative. Brian VanDruten from U.S. Fish and Wildlife had the students "gobbling" up all sorts of information about wild turkeys. J.B. Rattles amazed the students with his wide variety of reptiles. Learning about red wolves with Diane Hendry, also from U.S Fish and Wildlife, was awesome. The event could not take place without the CHES parents who always dedicate their time and talents to the fest. They run the experiments as well as donate the delicious buffet items on which our volunteers feast. The support of the PTA is truly appreciated as they generously donate funds to purchase consumables. The Science Committee thanks all who participated and supported this event and looks forward to another fantastic event next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We stumbled across your blog on the internet and wanted to say, Thank You for having us at your school. We had a great time with you. Mr. and Mrs. JB of JB's Rattles. Any reptile questions, feel free to contact us.