Sunday, August 07, 2011

Math Conference

On August 4th I attended a class focusing on math and the curriculum changes that will be happening by the year 2012-2013.  I found some new online activities that you may want to explore.  One game that practices counting skills is called Okta's Rescue. The student is given a number and has to select that many octopi. To finish the game, the student has to count ALL the octopi that s/he collected throughout the game.  There are different levels of play.

Another counting game, Grouping and Grazing, allows students to group objects by either 5's or 10's and then asks them to count the objects.  There are different options and level of play.

Have fun with the new games!  I hope you are almost done with your summer packets!  I cannot wait to see you when school begins!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the links and info! We could get to these last two as it kept timing out. Bella misses you!

Kristin said...

I miss Bella, too! I don't know why the links took so long. I tried them again and they loaded quickly. Try them again and if they still don't work make sure you have the right "plug-in" to support them. Hope to see you soon (I'm in a different classroom - across from the Kindergarten - so please stroll down and see me)!

Becky said...

I have really enjoyed working with my son Tyler (Hissey) on his summer packet this summer. This website has been really helpful. He liked the first assignment with the games quite a bit. He is looking forward to a wonderful first grade year.

(Becky Hissey)