Wednesday, October 05, 2011

HOMEWORK 10-5-11

Welcome to our first online homework assignment!  For tonight's homework, we will focus on math skills. The required activities are bold.  After doing the assignment, please answer the 'comment assignment' (at the bottom of this post) in the "comment" area.  You do not need to join to do it.  Put your comment in the box, sign your name, and choose to post as "anonymous".  This way, we will see that you did the assignment, but you will not have to register with the blog site.  I moderate the site and have it set so that the comments must be approved by me before they will appear.  Therefore, your comments will not appear immediately.  I will approve them at some point this week.  Include your child's ideas in the comment, but feel free to enter the text yourself (for now).  A great way to have your child help is to ask him/her to spell the trick words that you use in your entry.  As we said in the letter, this is a new experience for all of us, so we hope to work together to develop an online homework system that is beneficial for everyone involved. 

The first activity is to play Busy Bees.  This game gives your child the total number of bees (the whole), shows some buzzing around, and then asks for how many in the hive.  Your child is asked to enter that number and check it.  If your child is having trouble with this, slow down the pace and use manipulatives to help.  For instance, get 10 pennies.  If the question says, "There are 8 bees." and then shows three flying, talk her through the process.  Ask her how many bees are in the whole (answer 8).  Have her get 8 pennies and remove the others from the table.  Ask her how many she can see on the screen.  Explain that those bees are one part.  Have her move those pennies to a pile on the left side of the table.  Ask her what she can do to find out the part that is in the hive.  Guide her into discovering that there are 5 in the hive and that she can figure it out by counting the other pile of pennies.  Play this game two times (at least...feel free to come back as often as you like).

After playing Busy Bees, play Ten Frame.  Although this may seem easy, it is a great skill to practice.  The goal is to get children to "see" groups of objects and be able to identify how many there are without having to count each one.  This activity enables students to build a solid foundation for the place value skills we will develop this year.  Games 1, 2, and 3 will be the most beneficial at this time and correlate more to the skills we are working on now.  Game 4 delves further into addition and has multiple steps for adding two addends. This activity is optional. The homework requirement is to play Games 1, 2, and 3 for a total of 10 minutes.  Please sit with your child while he does these activities.  You will need to make sure he understands the questions as they change from time to time.  Be sure to ask him how he knew the answer.  Being able to explain HOW an answer is found is equally important as finding the right answer.

 COMMENT ASSIGNMENT:  Let us know what you think about our first online homework assignment. Did you like having online homework versus the traditional pencil and paper? What worked?  What would be better for next time?  If you have difficulty with the comment box, email your comment to your child's teacher (KEE:; GRAY:  THANKS!


Anonymous said...

Gavin Thompson did his homework. He said "I liked on the computer and I liked honey bees the most"

Anonymous said...

Ansley did his homework. He said he likes the circle one best

Anonymous said...

Kirra D. Ms.Kee's class. Per Kirra, the games were fun. She liked the Bees the best. We did the Bees 3 times, and we did the 10 frame levels 1, 2, & 3 for 12 minutes. I think the learning activities were great! Kirra really enjoyed them. She always likes learning activities on the computer better than paper and pencil because it seems more like fun rather than homework for her! Thank you, Maggie Dawson

Anonymous said...

It was fun!

Anonymous said...

My child loved being able to do her homework online. It was entertaining and educational. She had more fun doing it this way than on paper.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Hissey
I liked online homework. It would be better if personal progress could be tracked.

Anonymous said...

Gideon had a great time playing the math games!

He was so excited about being able to do his homework online.

What a great way to use technology and conserve paper.

Anonymous said...

Jamie and Sophie Hampton
We did the assignment on our tablet and had no problems. We enjoyed it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Addyson loved playing all of the games but her favorite one was the Busy Bees game. I liked playing game 3 on the other site. Addy liked the online homework better, so do I...! Everything was helpful and good practice, espeically for ten frames practice. She already seemed familiar with using ten frames, so this was a good way (as a parent) to see application of what she has been learning! ~Thanks Miss Kristin

Anonymous said...

I liked the homework online better. Can we do it again?

Anonymous said...

Donovan Rickert completed Busy Bee twice and did 1,2,3 for Ten Frame. Kee's class. Vanessa Paxton

Kristin said...

Thank you so much for your comments! I am glad so many of you liked online homework. Look forward to more online assignments in the future! Also, feel free to come back any time and check for other games and activities. You can look through old entries and play other games as well.

I think a personal tracker would be great as well. I am not exactly sure how this could be done, though, because the games and activities are not all from the same place on the web. If you want to chart practice using paper, that would help your child see growth, but just not electronically. If you have access to Excel or a similar program, you can enter data and create graphs that would show progress. :-)

Anonymous said...

Chloe and I did her online homework this morning. This was fun, I could see her improving as we played. This is way more fun than pen and paper.

Anonymous said...

The online homework seemed great. It was more like "playing on the computer" than doing homework.

Anonymous said...

Kirra D. from Miss Kee's class did the online assignment on ixl until she timed out of the addition game. She completed 20 addition questions before timing out. She enjoyed the online homework and asked to do more! :0) Thank you for the online homework assignments!

Anonymous said...

Johnny Metacarpa

Johnny seemed to really enjoy doing it, he spent over a half hour there. Couldn't get back to blog afterwards for some reason to post this, had to start over...

Anonymous said...

Malia S. Ms. Kee's class.

She has enjoyed playing both games. She really likes the playing the math games online. Thanks for showing us such fun ways to learn!