Thursday, October 20, 2011

HOMEWORK 10-20-11

We have been learning about animals. We know that animals are LIVING. Living things grow, move, eat, need oxygen, produce waste (yes, this means they poop), and reproduce (have offspring/babies). To begin tonight's homework, sort the items into two groups Living vs. Non-Living.

Habitats are where living things live and grow. They can get the things they need to stay alive.  Play Get Me Home! to sort the animals into their habitats.

Last, with an adult, go to National Geographic for Kids. Together, read about at least three different animals. Find out what the animals eat and how they move. What do you know about their babies? Find out about the habitat where they live. You will need this information for the assignment in the COMMENT BOX.

COMMENT BOX: To get credit for doing the homework, you MUST post in the comment box or write this assignment on a piece of paper and bring it to school. If you choose to use the comment box, remember that the comments will not appear immediately. They will appear after I release them. Make sure your child's name appears in the comment box so s/he gets credit for doing the assignment. Select one of the animals you read about on the National Geographic site. Write the name of the animal in the comment box. Then do the following (adults can enter the information, but discuss the ideas together):

* Tell about the animal's habitat.

* Tell about what the animal eats.

* Tell about its babies.

* Share an interesting fact about the animal.


Anonymous said...

Blake Cabral

My animal was the Adelie penguin. It lives in Antarctica. They build their nests in holes. The penguins eat squid and fish. The penguin babies come from egss that hatch in December. The penguins like to slide on their bellies.

Anonymous said...

Eathen Weaver

My pick was the Black Widow. It likes to hang out in dark places and wait for its prey.It likes bugs to eat.It will lay up to 200 eggs and they will hatch in about 20 days. The name “black widow” comes from the female’s habit of eating the male after mating.

Anonymous said...

Ansley Thompson
I pick Vampire Bat. They drink blood mostly from cows. They live in a cave in Mexico. The other female bats feed the mother and the mother feeds the babies.

Anonymous said...

Gavin Thompson
I choose the West Indian Manatee. It lives in the rivers in Florida. The mamas eat the grass and plants that grow in the rivers. The babies eat milk from the mama and they stay with the mama two years.

Anonymous said...

Donovan Rickert

My animal is the American Alligator. They live in southeastern America. Alligators eat meat.Mom alligators wait for their babies to hatch and peep. American Alligators are great swimmers.

Anonymous said...

Donovan Rickert

FYI - On the living and Non-Living assignment- the girl, plant, and tree would not place on either side

Anonymous said...


I like the Anaconda. It can have 20 to 40 baby snakes. It can be as long as 30 ft long and weigh 550 pounds. Anaconda's live in swamps, marshes and rivers.

Anonymous said...

Chloe Flythe

I learned about the hedgehog. They can live in various habitats throughout Europe, Africa & Asia. They live in the desert, but they can also swim & climb trees. They are even kept as pets by some people. Hedgehogs eat insects,snakes, mice, snails & frogs. They can have up to 7 babies in a litter. The babies spines are soft & short. They stay in the nest for 3 weeks. Hedgehogs have immunity to some poisonus plants which they use for additional protection.

Anonymous said...

The animal that I learned about is the bottlenose dolphin. They live in the warm oceans. They find fish hiding in the sand by making noises and sticking their noses in it. I didn't know that bottlenose dolphins are even found near Texas.

Lily Ratliff

Anonymous said...

The animal that I learned about is the bottlenose dolphin. They live in the warm oceans. They find hiding fish by making noises and sticking their noses in the sand. Bottlenose dolphins are even found near Texas.

Lily Ratliff

Anonymous said...


I chose the Tyrannosaurus-rex. It lived in forsets near rivers and valleys in North America. The facts did not tell of their babies, but we think that they layed eggs because they were reptiles. This feirce animal could eat 500 pounds of meat in one bite.

Anonymous said...

Malia Speedy

The Adelie penguin lives in Anarctica. Farther south than any other penguin. When the babies hatch they are very hungry. They wait in small groups called crushes while the parents swim off to catch krill and small fish. When the chicks are a couple months old they are able to hunt for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Hissey

I chose the North Atlantic Puffin. It lives in the North Atlantic Ocean. The Puffin eats small fish. When they have babies they find their one mate for life and together take care of their one egg, even after it hatches. Then when the baby is 49 days old it leaves on its own. North Atlantic Puffins use their wings as paddles to "fly" through the water.

Kristin said...

Great job on your research! Donovan, thanks for letting me know about the problem with the living vs. non-living game. :)

Anonymous said...

Addyson Wilson chose zebras!
* Tell about the animal's habitat: constantly on the move to find fresh grass and water. Sometimes they gather in huge herds of thousands as they migrate to better feeding grounds.

* Tell about what the animal eats: main diet is grass. They also eat bark and leaves, as well as buds, fruit, and roots.

* Tell about its babies: are called calves. A baby zebra can stand up just 20 minutes after it's born. It can run when it's an hour old.

* Share an interesting fact about the animal: each zebra has its own special pattern of stripes

Anonymous said...

Also, on the living and non-living activity, some of the living things were not "accepted" into the right category!

Anonymous said...

Kirra D., Ms. Kee's class.

My animal was a bottle nose dolphin. Their habitat is the ocean. They eat fish, squid, and shrimp. Their babies are called calves, and their tail comes out first when they are born. An interesting fact about bottle nose dolphins is that they don't really have ears, but they hear really good.

Kristin said...

The Living vs. Non-living activity is definitely interesting. The first time I played, everything worked. I've played it again since Donovan and Addyson pointed out the problems. This time, not everything was accepted. Not only that, the items that would not place are different from the ones that Donovan listed. I could not get the butterfly, spider, plant, and snail to go into either group. Ah...the fun of technology. :)

Anonymous said...

Johnny Metacarpa

The animal I chose is the Anaconda snake. They live in the tropics of South America in either swamps, marshes, or rivers. When they have babies, they have twenty to forty at a time. They are so big, that if I laid my dad on the ground five times, it would equal the 30 feet size of the anaconda.