Friday, February 03, 2006

Bryan's: Snowman Gone Wild

One wintry night at 9:50 when I go to bed, I looked out the window and saw a snowman sliding to the beach. He had a striped scarf and a cowboy hat. He was on a snow horse. I was so surprised! I had never seen a real live snowman ever!
I sprang out of my bed. I had to tiptoe down the steps because I didn’t want to wake Mom and Dad. When I got outside I said to the snowman, “Do you love to ski?”
“Yeah. Do you?” he said.
“Yeah.” But I had never skied before.
The snowman grabbed my hand and he said, “You will see,” and off we went. We jumped over frozen waves.
When we were done we decided to go to the circus. There was a clown on a unicycle. There was a giant snow elephant. Everybody was made out of snow. There were snowmen trapped in a cage and on dirt bikes. They went up and down and upside down.
Afterwards we went to the zoo. The lion ate the snowman’s hat. “That’s weird. I thought lions ate other animals.” My snowman heard footsteps coming. Oh, no! It was the snowman catcher. He was right in front of my snowman. He almost got him, but he got his nose and ate it.
Afterwards, we went home. The snowman went back to the neighbors with no nose. I went home and went to bed.


Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

I love the part where you wrote about jumping the frozen waves! Nice work!